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What is DD2?

DD2 or Digital Design 2 is a class that teaches about how to use technology to advertise better 



Will be seeing future projects, videos, and new looks in the upcoming 9 months

Elizabeth Pena-Martinez - Decorate Your Space Assignment 24-25 (1).jpg

Decorate Your Space Assignment

This project was about decorating a room with things we think tells about who we are. 

Later, we had to describe what they are to us other than just it being something we like

Elizabeth Pena-Martinez - Decorate Your Space Assignment 24-25.jpg

photoshop in pixir yay

Logo designing

We were assigned to design logo that was unique to ourselves. My logo is based off my initials. The legs are A that are based off my first name. The arms are based off the last part of my last name that is M but upside down. The head is based off first part of my last name. The reason why I chose to make my initials a person is because I draw people often and I ended up drawing my initials as a person

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